Oh hey look it's another new blog. I have commitment issues. I don't even know where my old blogs have disappeared to..
Yeah so anyway, I'm just so glad exams are finally over oh my gosh. But actually it doesn't feel much different, I guess all the pressure and stress takes a while to wear off? Or maybe I was never stressed enough so now without the pressure of exams I'm still as unstressed.. I don't even know. But like yeah I'm mainly glad for the week off that we have because we don't have papers tomorrow and Thursday and then Friday and Monday are marking days so yeah life's gonna be pretty good for the next week yay, praise the Lord. Went to Clementi Mall, via the circle line (for the first time!) to continue our (TUSCW's) (I'm still not completely sure of what it actually stands for) apparent tradition of Seoul Garden post-exam feasts which isn't exactly a tradition because it only happened once before... But yes Seoul Garden was really crowded and stuff so we had lunch at Swensen's instead. I have 944 points in my Swensen's card. Which means that I have spent at least $944 at Swensen's since I got my card which was like in Sec 1. And that doesn't even include the amounts accumulated on my parents' cards oh man I think we eat at Swensen's way too much. But yeah it was a good, amusing meal. Went to grab some books from the library while waiting for our food to come because I am impatient as hell. Not a good quality, sigh. I used to have something against typing 'sigh' because 1) People don't actually say "sigh" when they sigh. 2) The context of 'sigh' is that of a sound which is retarded to type out unless you use the asterixes to express that they are actions WHICH I REFUSE TO DO because asterixes are... Noob. So yes, anyway, we headed to Alyssa's house after lunch and watched HIMYM and FWB and other stuff.. Actually not much else but yeah. We sat in Alyssa's room and lepaked and made Leah make noises and stuff which was really incredibly amusing I love Leah she's so talented in weird random areas that actually make her seem retarded but are so unique and special just like her. Yeah it's pretty late and I'm pretty dead from the past 1 and a half weeks of exams so just excuse whatever weird stuff I'm saying please and thank you. So yeah today was fun. Can't wait to sleep in tomorrow. Might be heading to Leah's house tomorrow to hang out and watch movies yay. Matt is watching some weird sword fighting show or something with weird sound effects as I type this yes just a random observation that is all goodnight and goodbye. Speaking of goodnight and goodbye I am pretty excited to listen to Fastlife. This is relevant because the Jonas Brothers have a song called Goodnight and Goodbye and Fastlife is Joe Jonas' new album BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW THAT yeah well you learn something new everyday. And if you don't, you will become stupid.... and die.